Life with food allergies and more

Food Allergy Emergency Kit

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Hi Guys, 

I’m so happy to share our emergency kit @myhealthcarekit with you today!
It is a very comprehensive emergency kit.  I really love it.

This kit makes you review your LO’s allergic reaction protocol from your physicians/allergist. So, make sure to obtain this info from your physician.  

The kit consists of a small binder with 5 pages. The binder is enclosed in a mesh cover that zips up so it is like a small pouch.  The inside of the front cover has 3 epipen holders while the back cover has a zip pocket.  

BINDER: you write down the medical history, allergens,  emergency contacts, DOB, insurance providers/ID#, symptoms for sever to mild reactions, names of the medications, names of the medications, dosages, and expiration dates.  This is a really all-in-one emergency info. binder.  I recommend filing up the expiration dates in pencil.  I really liked the identification form on the front cover.  See pics.

Beside the binder, there are a couple of printouts that you will be filling out and placing inside of the kit.
Also, you will have access to the printouts as PDFs online, so you can just type all the info. and print it out.  This feature allows you type your instructions, making them very easy to red. 

You should fill out the form in an easy-to-follow manner, so a 3rd party can easily and clearly understand when and how to administer an epipen or medication to your LO. 

I loved this process.  It was a great reminder to us that it is critical to be ready for an emergency.  Food allergies are very serious.  Reactions can kill a person in a matter of seconds.  

I made scenario kits by following our allergist’s protocol.  There were three scenarios.  I printed out directions on how to administer medications in ziplock bags and put the 3 bags in the kit.

My friend who is a pharmacist told me that the medication in the syringes should be replaced every 6 months.  So, you should do that. 

Overall, I highly recommend this kit to anyone who has food allergies.  It is critical for teachers, nannies, grandparents, or whoever handles our son’s emergency situation while we are at work. 

Literally, we can’t make any mistakes. 

Color code Medications

As you can see the picture below.  I numbered the directions.
It’s hard to see the letters so here is what I wrote on the scenario kit #3 for instance:
Scenario #3: ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION (Labeled in Pink)
Extra Epi-pen is at the front. (Labeled in white)
Specific Instructions: Severe Reaction 
1.  Lay (Your LO’s Name here) down, if he is having difficulty breathing, allow him to sit.
2. Inject the Epipen dose in the outer thigh; write down the time; repeat in 10 minutes if not already in front of a doctor.
3. Give Oral MED#1 (10mL) once
4. Give Oral MED#2 (5mL) once
5. Give Oral MED#3 (10mL) once

As always, I’m NOT a physician.  I’m not suggesting how to create your emergency kit.
I’m just sharing my experience of how to create an emergency kit for our son.  Everyone’s allergens and allergic reactions, and medications are different.  Please DO NOT follow or use the medication listed here. Please ask YOUR allergist/physician or YOUR LO’s allergists or physician to create your own emergency kit.  

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